Thursday, September 21, 2023

A Couple Scrap Wood Projects

I'm trying to use up some wood that's been accumulating, so small projects are the order of the day.  This week I completed a couple of things - a step stool and a small box.  The stool is made from pre-used wood.  The seat was from a stool someone was throwing out and the legs and rails were from some table legs someone was giving away.

Oak seat and softwood legs and rails

The legs have tapered tenons and are wedged with purpleheart

Here's the undercarriage - I really enjoy figuring the angles for boring for the rails

The main box and the inner dividers were made from red oak scraps left over from the democratic chair build.  The red oak top used to be a stile in a neighbor's kitchen cabinet.

6" ruler for scale

I still might put some felt in the bottom under the dividers

The underside of the lid is rabbeted and fits nicely in the box opening with almost no slop

The lid's pull has a tenon fit to a mortise in the top.  All sides are angled in.

The 1/4" thick x 1 1/8" wide dividers are half-lapped together

The top of the lid is beveled all around - 1" wide and 1/4" deep

Where they meet, the lid and box have a tiny chamfer to give a small "reveal" all around.
The dovetails came out nice, but I had to plug 8 holes from the grooves that house the bottom.
The plugs are almost invisible.

After some shellac, the dovetails really look stunning

Just a couple small things, but it feels good to get things done and use some scrap wood.  I'll see if I can give the stool to a neighbor.  And my wife liked the box and wants to keep it.  Bonus!


  1. Nice work! Using up scrap in useful ways can be really rewarding.
    —Jeremy (JMAWWorks)

    1. Yeah, and I know we've all got too many scraps lying around too. Ha!
