I built my current workbench the last two months of 2015 and it has been great. But I've known for a while that the top is not as flat as when I first completed it. I've recently completed a few projects and cleared off the benchtop and now is the time to re-flatten it.
Before re-flattening |
I use a Record vise on the front and a Jet vise on the right end. When I installed the Record vise, I probably didn't leave enough room between the top of the vise and the benchtop.
Less than 1/8" from top of vise to top of bench |
The end vise has more space - about 3/16" |
I was concerned about having the metal parts of the front vise this close to the benchtop (don't want to hurt my planes), but I didn't end up taking much off the benchtop to flatten it, so I'll probably be able to flatten it a couple more times before I need to lower the vise.
I started by penciling lines on the top to help gauge progress.
Penciled lines across top |
I'm fortunate to have a LN #8 that I found at a garage sale a few years ago (for a great price, too). It's almost 24" long and perfect for flattening a large benchtop.
The Lie-Nielsen #8 |
It's obvious that my benchtop has shrunk a bit over the last two years. The removable center board was once a tight fit and now it has about 3/32" space.
Large gap around removable center board |
This caused issues when planing the top, so I wedged it in place from top and bottom to keep it from moving.
I started planing straight across the benchtop to get a feel for where the high spots were and quickly found some. After leveling that out a bit I used diagonal strokes first from right to left, then from left to right.
Diagonal planing |
It's important to stop and gauge your progress. The picture below shows areas not yet touched by the plane.
A low area at front section of bench where I do a lot of pounding; not sure why the rear section was low there |
After a few diagonal passes I used the edge of the #8 to find high spots. I marked high spots every few inches across the length of the benchtop.
Checking for high spots |
Used a smoother to remove the high spots |
After a few repetitions of the last two pictures, I was fairly happy. I checked for twist with makeshift winding sticks since my usual sticks are far too short to use on a benchtop.
Using a 24" straightedge and a 48" level as winding sticks |
There was minimal twist - not enough for me to worry about |
Then I used the #8 to make a few light passes with the grain of the top and followed up with a quick scraping.
Last was a little scraping to remove any planing marks and fuzzy bits |
Now it's flatter than it was and looks much better, too.
Vise chops re-installed and the bench is looking good! |
I use the flatness of the benchtop to check for twist on project pieces. It's good to be able to rely on that before using the winding sticks.
I've got a question for anyone who has read this far. Like all garages should, my garage slopes down towards the garage door. So while my benchtop is parallel to the floor, it's not level to the ground. I could fix this by lifting the left end a little. Is it important to you that your workbench be level to the ground?